Symbols and Logos


There are many LOGO and SYMBOLS in our society. And we see over an average of 20 Logos a day.

Maybe we can see more than 20. All shops have their own logo. For example, ASDA have their own logo ‘ASDA’, MC DONALDS have big yellow ‘M’. Brands use logos so that their product is easily recognizable. I think the power of LOGO is amazing. I think that’s because ‘Visualization’. In our brain, when we see something which one is simple, good eye-catching it remains easy to remember. If they have bright color, it can be more effectively.

This week, we study about Symbols and Logos. There is a theory for this, Roland Barthes states Denotation is the literal meaning of something and Connotation is the Symbolic meaning of the non-verbal meaning. It’s just not a picture, designers have to carefully create a logo in order to make it fit for their product and representative of their product. Secondly, Symbols is kind of image of company. For example, Apple is the name of company. Before the apple products came out, apple is a fruit for us. But now ‘Apple’ is a name of the products. It can mean new beginnings or temptation and nowadays it is a symbol for developments in technology.

Nowadays, we can see many different kinds of Logo and Symbol in everywhere. In the future, the world may change our name to the logo to come.

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